each stanza of the poem is a memory. justify the statement based on ur understanding of the poem.(100words) answer fast....please...

Dear Student,
Please find below the solution to the asked query:

The first stanza is a memory of poet's mother's beach holiday with her two younger cousins. Its a memory of the mother's sweet face and her childhood.
In the second stanza, the mother is nostalgically remembering the snapshot and laughing. Mother has fond memories of her sea holiday. However, the poet has memories of her mother's laughter. She is remembering her mother's smile and laughter, which is no more to be seen.
The third stanza, has memories of mother who is dead.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic. If you have any more doubts just ask here on the forum and our experts will try to help you out as soon as possible.

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based on the poem' a photograph' forgot 2 rit
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first one was the sea holiday 
second was the mother seeing the pic and regretting that she cant relive that moment
third now the mother has died and the author reminds himself of the laughter of hers when she saw the pic
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