eassay regarding blood donation pls

There are many simple things that you can do to save someone’s life. Blood donating is one of these simple things. It’s an easy procedure which is divided into three steps (i.e. screening, donating and refreshing).

The first stage in blood donating is screening. In this stage, you’ll be asked to complete a form and show an ID card. Next, you’ll be asked for some health history questions and do a few tests (i.e. iron level, blood pressure and pulse checked) for your and people good.

Donating is the second stage. In this stage, you’ll be asked to seat on a chair, your arm will be cleaned with alcohol and a needle will be inserted into a vein in you arm. After 15 minutes, when nearly a pint of blood has been collected, the needle will be removed and a bandage will be placed on your arm.

In the final stage, you’ll spend a few minutes enjoying refreshments to replace the fluids that you lost during donation. Then, you can leave the donation center and continue with your normal daily activities.

As you can see, blood donating is a simple procedure. I highly recommend everyone to give blood whenever they got the chance to. It could save your life!

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