Environmental degradation is a serious problem in India. Suggest a few viable points to curb it.

Dear Student,

Environmental degradation can be defined as deterioration of the environment through depletion or destruction of natural resources.
It includes all the environment related problems caused directly or indirectly by human activities like the destruction of ecosystem, deterioration of air, water and soil quality, extinction of wildlife, deforestation and pollution etc.

We can practise the following to curb environmental degradation :

Measures for preventing Air pollution:

(i) Planting more trees

(ii) Use of clean and renewable energy sources such as CNG and bio-fuels

(iii) Reducing the use of fossil fuels

(iv) Use of catalytic converters in automobiles

Measures for preventing water pollution:-

(i) Optimizing the use of water

(ii) Using kitchen waste water in gardening and other household purposes

Measures for decreasing solid waste generation:-

(i) Segregation of waste

(ii) Recycling and reuse of plastic and paper

(iii) Composting of biodegradable kitchen waste

(iv) Reducing the use of plastics

Rain water harvesting should be practised to reduce ground water pollution and water scarcity.

Hope this helps
Jaya Tiwari.

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