Estimate the volume of water molecule if density of water is 1000 per metre cube

Dear Student ,
Density of water is approximately 1g/ml
Thus 1g of water occupy volume  = 1 ml
Molar mass of water = 18 g/mol
​Number of moles of water in 1g = 118 moles = 0.055 moles H2O

​Now 18 g water contain = 6.022×1023 molecules H2O
Thus 1 g water will have = 6.022×102318 molecules H2O = 0.334 ​×1023 molecules H2O

This shows that 
 0.334 ×1023 molecules H2O  will occupy volume = 1 ml
Therefore volume occupied by 1 H2O molecule = 10.334×10-23 = 2.99 ​×10-23 ml

Thus volume occupied by 1 H2O mlecule is ​2.99 ​×10-23 ml.

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