Examine the Sustainable Development Goals laid down by the United Nations. Elucidate how it is being included in the developmental goals of UAE. Explain three of such initiatives in UAE


With the aim of making the world fairer, better, and safer by 2030, the United Nations' New York Summit in 2015 resulted in the adoption of 17 Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs. SDG 16 is focused on encouraging inclusive and peaceful societies for sustainable development, ensuring that everyone has access to justice, and creating inclusive, effective, and accountable institutions at all levels. The following are its targets:
Reduce globally the prevalence of all forms of violence and the associated death rates.
Put an end to the mistreatment, exploitation, trafficking, and torture of children in all of its forms.

Encourage the rule of law on a national and international level and make sure that everyone has access to justice.
Reduce significantly illicit financial and armament flows by 2030, improve the return and recovery of stolen property, and combat all facets of organised crime
significantly lessen all forms of corruption and bribery
Create institutions that are efficient, responsible, and open at all levels.

At all levels, make sure that decisions are responsive, inclusive, participatory, and representative.
Increase and expand the involvement of developing nations in international institutions of governance
Provide legal identification for everyone by 2030, including birth registration
In accordance with domestic laws and international agreements, guarantee public access to information and uphold fundamental freedoms.

The UAE is focused on achieving sustainable development goals that would enable access to clean energy, sufficient and affordable food, high-quality education, and healthcare, as well as sustainable economic growth, healthy ecosystems, and increased resource efficiency, as all of these issues are very important to the nation. Aside from that, the UAE promised to "leave no one behind" and to lead the world towards a sustainable and resilient future. The following are the goals led  for sustainable development

No poverty.
Zero hunger.
Good health and well-being.
Quality education.
Gender equality.
Clean water and sanitation.
Affordable and clean energy.
Decent work and economic growth.


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