examples of elements,mixtures,bases ,alcalie,acids and compounds?

Dear Student 

Elements - Zinc, Copper, Cadmium, Sodium, hydrogen, carbon etc. Mixture - H2O +HCl etc.Base - NaN3, NaOH, KOH etc. Alcalie - NaOH, KOH etc.Acids - HCl, H3PO4, HNO3 etc.Compound - H2O, CO2 etc.


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Element - Zinc
Mixture - HCL+ NaOH2
Base - NaOh
Alcalie - NaOH
Acids - HCL
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Acids-lemon,orange /base-toothpaste,soap solution/compounds-oxygen, carbon dioxidel/elements-O for oxygen, H for hydrogen/mixtures-mixtures of sand and water or sand and iron filings, a conglomerate rock, water and oil, a portion salad, trail mix, and concrete/ alkaline- Sodium hydroxide ? often called "caustic soda"
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Sorry I don't know
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Hey S. Anandh!!!    ; ) 
Here Is The Answer:

Element - Li { Lithium }
Mixture - Fe2O{ Iron Oxide }
Base - Mg(OH)2 { Magnesium Hydroxide }
Alkali - NaOH  { Sodium Hydroxide }
Acid - HCL { Hydrochloric Acid }
Compound - CO2 { Carbon Dioxide }

Hope It Helps You!!!
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