experiment to show a chemical change with  baking soda and vinegar

2NaHCO3 + 2CH3COOH ---> 2CH3COONa + H2O + 2CO2

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try the volcano experiment ! I have no time to explain, execuse me.

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Take a spoon full of vinegar in a test tube. Add pinch of baking soda to it. You would hear a hissing sound and see bubbles of coming out of it. Pass this gas through freshly prepared lime water.
The changes takes in test tube is as :
Vinegar(Acetic acid)+Baking soda(Sodium hydrogencarbonate)=Carbon dioxide + other substances
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when baking soda is added with vinegar it reacts to form carbon dioxide and it produces wizziling sound
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Baking soda and vinegar experiment explanation
The reaction is: Sodium bicarbonate and acetic acid react to carbon dioxide, water, and sodium acetate. The solid baking soda was placed in liquid vinegar producing carbon dioxide gas, which is evident because of the formation of bubbles in the foaming mixture.
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The first reaction is the acid-base reaction. When vinegar and baking soda are first mixed together, hydrogen ions in the vinegar react with the sodium and bicarbonate ions in the baking soda. The result of this initial reaction is two new chemicals: carbonic acid and sodium acetate.
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If baking soda is added with vinegar it reacts to form carbon dioxide and it produces sizzling sound
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when baking soda is added with vinegar it reacts to form carbon dioxide and it produces wizziling sound

The formula is:

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Take a spoon full of vinegar in a test tube. Add pinch of baking soda to it. You would hear a hissing sound and see bubbles of coming out of it. Pass this gas through freshly prepared lime water.
The changes takes in test tube is as :
Vinegar(Acetic acid)+Baking soda(Sodium hydrogencarbonate)=Carbon dioxide + other substances
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When baking soda is mixed with vinegar, something new is formed. The mixture quickly foams up with carbon dioxide gas. If enough vinegar is used, all of the baking soda can be made to react and disappear into the vinegar solution. 
check it out :Vinegar + Baking Soda + Balloons = FIZZY FUN! | Kids Science Experiments | Science for Kids
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ake a spoon full of vinegar in a test tube. Add pinch of baking soda to it. You would hear a hissing sound and see bubbles of coming out of it. Pass this gas through freshly prepared lime water.
The changes takes in test tube is as :
Vinegar(Acetic acid)+Baking soda(Sodium hydrogencarbonate)=Carbon dioxide + other substances
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Take a spoon full of vinegar in a test tube. Add pinch of baking soda to it. You would hear a hissing sound and see bubbles of coming out of it. Pass this gas through freshly prepared lime water.
The changes takes in test tube is as :
Vinegar(Acetic acid)+Baking soda(Sodium hydrogencarbonate)=Carbon dioxide + other s
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