Experts can i have the answer for the 26 th question before ( OR)

Dear Student,

26. (i)

ii) Geometrical isomer of but-2-ene is given below:

Kindly post remaining query in next thread.


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1) benzene is formed on heating sodium benzoate with soda lime

3) But-1-yne is a terminal alkyne and the triple bonded carbon has a hydrogen atom attached to it which can be removed as a H+ by suitable reaction. On the other hand, but-2-yne is a non-terminal alkyne and the triple bonded carbon has no hydrogen atom attached to it. Therefore, it cannot behave as an acid.

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1) when sodium benzoate is heated with sod lime it gets decarboxelysed and benzene with NA2CO3 is formed 
2) n - heptane (in presence of Al2O3) forms toluene 

3)acididty depends upon the tendency to loose a proton or H+ ions 
and in an sp hyb (but 1 yne) the s charater has 50 % that means it becomes more electro -ve and thus can easly loose electrons but that is not the case with an sp2 hyb ( but 1 ene) s charater is present in it but not 50 % its 33% thus but 1 yne is more acidic than but 1ene

4)A=      B=     C= propyne D= Propanone  
srry but am not getting the compounds which are represented by A and B ;(

hope the other 3 helped u 
have a great day 

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