Explain the meaning of this extract from the poem mirrors!

 Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me,
Searching my reaches for what she really is.
Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon.
I see her back, and reflect it faithfully.
She rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands. 

I am important to her. She comes and goes.
Each morning it is â€‹her face that replaces the darkness.
In me she has drowned young girl, and in me an old woman 
Rises  towards her day after day like a terrible fish.

Dear Student 
Given below is the answer to your question. 

The mirror appears to be like a lake because it reflects anything that looks into it. A lake shows the face of the person looking at it or reflects every other thing. In the same manner, anything that looks into a mirror is reflected back. This aspect of reflecting of the mirror is mentioned in this stanza. The poet talks about the woman who looks in the mirror and is angry after seeing her true self. Therefore, she reacts in anger and agitation (violence) of hands.
In the next stanza the poet talks about the woman, to whom the mirror is important. Every morning, she appears in front of the mirror. The first thing that the mirror sees in the morning is her face. The mirror remembers that the woman used to look into the mirror from the time she was a young girl. Now the woman has grown old and she is ageing and therefore, looks like a terrible fish.

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Thank you.      

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stanza 1 (lines 10-14)
In this stanza the mirror compares itself to a lake. Not only the quiet lake’s surface reflects everything, but it has depth also. A woman looks at herself in a lake to ascertain her physical appearance and beauty. The mirror shows her exact appearance – any spots, marks or signs of aging. The mirror says that the moon and the candle which praise a woman’s beauty are liars. They praise her physical appearance as their dim light overlooks these minute flaws. The mirror is true and shows her the reality which is bitter for her. In return for its truthfulness, the mirror gets tears and hatred in return from the woman.
stanza 2(lines 15-19)
The mirror is very important for a woman as she ascertains her looks in it. She looks at herself in the mirror often and the mirror says that every morning, the first object that comes in front of it after the dark night is the woman’s face. The mirror has seen the transformation in the woman’s appearance over the years. Her face of a young, pretty girl does not exist, but the mirror remembers it. With each passing day she is getting older and the signs of aging are becoming prominent on her face. Her future appearance of an old, ugly woman gets closer to her and it seems to be there in the mirror because one day when she will look at herself in the mirror, she will see it there only. The mirror compares the woman’s aged face to that a fish as both are ugly and no one wants to look at them.

Hope this helps!!
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Mirror is not there for exam
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