Explain why India has a varietyof land features?

Dear Student,

a. India has all the major physical features i.e. topography varying from mountains, plains, desserts, plateaus, islands 
b. As per the data available, 43% accounts for plains which is apt for agriculture, human settlement and industrialisation.
c. 30% is covered by mountains, which is rather source of many rivers, the also attract tourists and support ecosystem
d. 27% is plateau region, which is indeed a storehouse of rich minerals, fossil fuels, forests
e. Less than 1% of the area is occupied by islands.
f. The presence of land features is basically a natural phenomenon caused by varied processes
g.  They are the result of 
 Geological processes/formations
 h.. Other processes like weathering,erosion and deposition led to the formation of present landforms and their modification.  
 i. Scientists have also tried to explain the formation of physical features on the basis of Theory of Plate Tectonics.    



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