Find the velocity of two bodies after collision if velocity before collision are U1 & U2 & mass M1 & M2.Show that bodies of identical mass exchange their velocity after head on collision.

Dear Student,

For elastic collision the derivation is given at the following link under the topic 'elastic collision in one dimension' and for head-on collision i.e. the center of mass of both the bodies is along the same straight line is the 'special case' subtopic of 'elastic collision in one dimension'.!!/tvbsix2crcwiT0bJIfkAEg!!

For inelastic collision in one dimension,

If two masses m1 and m2 under goes in inelastic collision with the initial velocities u1 and u2. Let mass m2 is at rest initially then,

For head on collision of identical masses,

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whether collisson is elastic or inelasticc..??

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