Find the volume of a rectangular pipe 1 m long if its outer are of cross-section is 4 cm x 3 cm. But its internal area of cross-section is 3.5 cm x 2.5 cm. Help me ASAP. TY

Area of cross section of outer portion of pipe = 4 cm×3 cm = 12 cm2
And area of internal cross section of pipe = 3.5 cm×2.5 cm = 8.75 cm2
Height of rectangular pipe = 1 m = 100 cm
So, volume of outer portion of rectangular pipe = 12×100 = 1200 cm3
And volume of internal portion of pipe = 8.75×100 = 875 cm3
So, volume of a rectangular pipe = 1200 cm3-875 cm3 = 325 cm3
Therefore volume of rectangular pipe is 325cm3.

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