Generate a time table if a boy walks up 6 :00am and school is frm 7:30 to 1:50and sleep at 9:30

ok fine
6:00 - wake up
7:30 - going to school
1:50 - comes back home
2:00 - Lunch
2:30 - Homework
6:00 - leisure time
7:00 - study
9:00 - dinner
9:30 - sleep

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explain the question plz
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is it "walks" or "wakes"? 
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May be its wakes up....
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If a boy is willing to wake up at 6:00 am...its good! 
first of all...he would be taking about 15 minutes to get fresh !
then there would me around 45 minutes for him to revise any subject!
after school hours....
coming back come home, talking lunch and some rest would take 1 hour and 50 minutes approximately.
after some rest !! he can revise or do whatever homework that has been assigned to him from the school!
after the completion of home assignment..10 minutes break and then back to study! 
so,there's left a lot of time for self improvement in  every subject...!
Dinner at his convenient time and should get early to bed!

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I guess it will be "wakes"
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