Give an example of real life in reference to the shielding effect, where the concept of shielding effect could be seen easily???

Dear Student,
To explain the concept of shielding effect we can take the example of a classroom. The teacher is the nucleus ,the students sitting on the back benches can be considered as outermost electrons, and the students sitting in the middle rows are the inner electrons.... Now consider a situation where new students are admitted in the classroom ,the number of electrons are increasing . Now suppose many students are sitting in the middle rows the teacher will not be able to effectively pay attention to the students at the back. (built up of shield) Although the teacher and the students both are aware of each other but the concentration of teacher gets divided. This leads to shielding effect. With the increasing students the classroom gets congested and another classroom larger than previous one would be needed. Hence this explains the increasing atomic size  due to shielding effect.
You can think of many more examples!

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