Give reasons for the following: 1 . Gases have no definite shape or size. 2 . Liquids have one free upper surface only. 3 .Globules of mercury kept in a petri dish which is shaken slowly forms a big globule. 4. A crystal of iodine on slow heating in a closed flask turns into vapours and fills the flask. 5. An empty glass tumbler lowered into a glass beaker containing water , on tilting shows bubbles of air coming out but when not tilted no bubbles are seen .

Gases have no definite shape or size

Reason:  In gases molecules have very weak intermolecular force and there is large intermolecular distance between them. Moreover the particles of gases posses very high kinetic energy so the are in random motion so gases have no definite shape.

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  • 6
1.because it has a free surface and can flow anywhere as it does not have any boudary
  • -3
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