how can we do estimate the sum ?


we get the estimate by rounding here .

1. For numbers with two digits, there can only be one estimate because you can only round to the tens place 

Forexample, estimate the following sums:

36 + 21, 74 + 15, and 85 + 24

36 + 21 = 40 + 20 = 60

74 + 15 = 70 + 20 = 90

85 + 24 = 90 + 20 = 110

2. For numbers with three digits, you can get two estimates

For example, estimate the following sums:

176 + 432, 250 + 845, and 986 + 220

Rounding 176 and 432 to the nearest hundred, gives 200 + 400 = 600

However,rounding 176 and 432 to the nearest ten , gives 180 + 430 = 610

The exact answer is 176 + 432 = 608. Notice that 610 is closer to 608 than 600, so rounding to the nearest 10 gives a better estimate

Rounding 250 and 845 to the nearest hundred gives 300 + 800 = 1100

Moreover, rounding 250 and 845 to the tens gives 250 + 850 = 1100

The exact answer is 250 + 845 = 1095. Notice this time, However, that you get the same answer

So, in this way we get the estimate figure.

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Estimation is a process to estimate or approximate something, without finding the actual value.

For example, before going to market, you must know how much money you should carry with you. For this we use estimation.

Suppose, your mother sent you to the market to buy 1 liter milk and 1 kg potatoes. If cost of 1 liter milk is Rs 28 and cost of 1 kg potatoes is Rs 18, then what is the approximate amount you should carry with you??

This can be easily find out using estimation (and round off).

Rounding off cost of 1 liter milk = Rs 30

Rounding off cost of 1 kg potatoes = Rs 20

So, approximate money you should carry = Rs 30 + Rs 20 = Rs 50

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