How did Gandhi ji influence in the independence of India?

1) Mahatma Gandhi’s brought all classes and religions together. He united both the Hindus and Muslims by combining the Khilafat and Non Co-operation Movements.
2) Gandhiji always felt that violence was not be resorted to against the Empire. After the violence at Chauri Chaura, he taught the people about non-violence and waited till the next decade to launch his next agitation.
3) In 1930, he undertook the Dandi March to make salt which was outlawed and showed how unequal the British Laws were.
4) In 1942, he launched Quit India Movement which was a call for Purna Swaraj.

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Gandhiji used the methods of Satyagraha. Satyagraha is a method of non violence and truth.

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Gandhiji used the methods ofahimsa and non- violence

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