how does a matchstick work

Please refer to the answers provided by Rakshit,Ashiq and Sri nikhil.
@ Rakshit, Ashiq and Sri nikhil. Very good answers. Keep it up.
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match stick is made up of antimony trisulphate and potassium chlorate .the rubbing surface has powerded glass and a little red phosphorus (which is less dangerous) .When the match is struck against the rubbing surface ,some red phosphorus gets converted into white phosphorus .This imediately reacts with potassium chlorate in the matchstick head to produce enough heat to ignite antimony trisulphte and start the combustion

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Although you may not know it, striking a match starts a chemical reaction. There are two types of matches:safety matchesand "strike anywhere" matches. A safety match can only light when someone strikes it against the striking surface on the side of the match box. A "strike anywhere" match can be lit by striking the match on anything solid. A "striking surface" is made of sand, powdered glass, and a chemical called "red phosphorus". The head of a safety match is made of sulfur, glass powder, and an oxidizing agent. An oxidizing agent is a chemical that takes electrons from another chemical. When a chemical loses electrons we say it has been oxidized. An oxidizing agent is necessary to keep a flame lit.Oxygen gasis a common oxidizing agent. A simple test for oxygen is to hold a red hot (no flame)piece of woodin a tube of gas that might be oxygen. In oxygen things will burn much faster than in air, and the wood will burst into flame.

When a match is struck on the striking surface of its box, the friction caused by the glass powder rubbing together produces enough heat to turn a very small amount of the red phosphorus into white phosphorus, which catches fire in air. This small amount of heat is enough to start a chemical reaction that uses the oxidizingagentto produce oxygen gas. The heat and oxygen gas then cause the sulfur to burst into flame, which then catches the wood of the match to catch on fire.

A "strike anywhere"match worksin a similar way, but instead of phosphorus being on a striking surface, it is added to the head of the match. You can tell the difference between the two types of matches by looking at the colors of the match heads. A safety head is only one color, but a "strike anywhere" match is two colors: one for the phosphorus, and one for the oxidizing agent.

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Because the phosphorus is incorporated into the match itself, the need for the strike strip is eliminated. For the match to ignite, it simply needs to be rubbed against any abrasive surface to generate the heat needed to activate the phosphorous reaction. Matches use sulphur, phosphate and a friction agent held together by a binding agent.

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Because the phosphorus is incorporated into the match itself, the need for the strike strip is eliminated. For the match to ignite, it simply needs to be rubbed against any abrasive surface to generate the heat needed to activate the phosphorous reaction. Matches use sulphur, phosphate and a friction agent held together by a binding agent.

Safety matches are 'safe' because they don't spontaneously combust. You have to strike them against a special surface in order to get them to ignite. The match heads contain sulfur (sometimes antimony III sulfide) and oxidizing agents (usually potassium chlorate), with powdered glass, colorants, fillers, and a binder made of glue and starch. The striking surface consists of powdered glass or silica (sand), red phosphorus, binder, and filler. When you strike a safety match, the glass-on-glass friction generates heat, converting a small amount of red phosphorus to white phosphorus vapor. White phosphorus spontaneously ignites, decomposing potassium chlorate and liberating oxygen. At this point, the sulfur starts to burn, which ignites the wood of the match.Safety matches are 'safe' because they don't spontaneously combust. You have to strike them against a special surface in order to get them to ignite. The match heads contain sulfur (sometimes antimony III sulfide) and oxidizing agents (usually potassium chlorate), with powdered glass, colorants, fillers, and a binder made of glue and starch. The striking surface consists of powdered glass or silica (sand), red phosphorus, binder, and filler. When you strike a safety match, the glass-on-glass friction generates heat, converting a small amount of red phosphorus to white phosphorus vapor. White phosphorus spontaneously ignites, decomposing potassium chlorate and liberating oxygen. At this point, the sulfur starts to burn, which ignites the wood of the match.

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If you see the tip of a matchstick you will see that it has a red colour substance, it is actually the mixture of red phosporus, antinomy trisulphide and potassium chloride. Thus when it is struck to the side of the matchbox, the red phosphorus truns into white phosphorus and starts burning burning due to the

heat produced because of friction

. So you can say that a matchstick is a fuel and also realses heat.

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