How does Robert Frost caution the common man?

Based on fire and ice poem

Robert Frost cautions the common man by warning him about the causes of the end of the world . He says that the world can end in any of the way fire and ice .Fire and ice not only refers to the physical damage  but the damage of human mind. He uses complex metaphors to refer to the path humanity is going towards in today's world.Fire stand for words and feelings like fury,intolerance,lust and greed whereas ice stands for cruelty,coldness and hatred.According to Frost all these negatives can also be the end of the world.
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Man is lustful, selfish. avaricious, indifferent and hateful. Robert Frost cautions the common man and says that he should not forget the bitter reality that everything in this world is transitory and death is inevitable.
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Frost believes, unleashed feelings of love and desire can caue the world to end up in flames whereas acts of cold blood due to feelings of revenge and hatred can cause the earth to end up as an ice ball.
Hence the poet makes attempts of cautioning man and exlpaining the possiblities of the end,due to his own foolishness and uncontrolled feelings.
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The central idea around which the entire poem revolves is that?only love, equality, mutual understanding and sympathy for one and all can help in establishing peace on the Earth. .
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Man is selfish, avaricious, lustful, indifferent and
hateful. Robert Frost cautions the common man and says that he should not forget the bitter reality that everything in this world is transitory and death is inevitable.

Hope This was helpful

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Robert Frost cautions the common man by warning him about the causes of the end of the world . He says that the world can end in any of the way fire and ice .Fire and ice not only refers to the physical damage  but the damage of human mind. He uses complex metaphors to refer to the path humanity is going towards in today's world.Fire stand for words and feelings like fury,intolerance,lust and greed whereas ice stands for cruelty,coldness and hatred.According to Frost all these negatives can also be the end of the world.
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