How is an image formed in a translucent screen in a pin hole camera?

Dear Student,

Pinhole camera was invented to capture the image of an object and study the property of light.

A pinhole camera is the most basic type of camera, made up of a light-proof container (usually a box) with a tiny hole in the one side. Film or photographic paper is placed on the inside of the box, opposite the hole. Light enters through the hole and creates an inverted image on the film.An image formed by a pinhole camera contains information about the color of the object.
The image formed in the pinhole camera is real, inverted, diminished in size and same shape of objected.The transculent screen allows us to see the object but not able to discern the detail.


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The image formed in the pinhole camera is real, inverted, diminished?in size and same shape of objected.The transparent screen allows us to see the object but not able to discern the detail.

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