how many types of vitamins are there?

there are 6 types of vitamins.

they are

1. vitamin a

2 . vitamin b

3 . vitamin c

4 . vitamin d

5 . vitamin e

6 . vitamin k

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  • Vitamin A:it helps a great deal in improving your eyesight. Also it aids in maintaining healthy skin. Rich sources of vitamin A are: eggs, milk, apricots, carrots, spinach and sweet potatoes etc.
  • Vitamins B:vitamin B is a list of multiple vitamins like B1, B2, B6, B12, niacin, folic acid, biotin, and pantothenic acid. Vitamin B aids in generating energy that the body utilizes to carry out its activities. Vitamin B also participates actively in making red blood cells that carry oxygen to different parts of your body. Rich sources of vitamin B include whole grains, such as wheat and oats, fish and seafood, leafy green vegetables, dairy products like milk and yogurt, beans and peas etc.
  • Vitamin C:it helps in strengthening your gums and muscles. Vitamin C found in citrus fruits like oranges, also aids in healing wounds. It enables you to overcome infections. Foods rich in vitamin C, apart from citrus fruits are: tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage and strawberries etc.
  • Vitamin D:it works towards strengthening your bones and teeth. It also aids in absorbing the calcium required by the body. Foods rich in vitamin D are: fish, egg yolk, milk and other dairy products etc.
  • Vitamin E:It takes care of your lungs and also aids in formation of red blood cells. Good sources of vitamin E are: whole grains, such as wheat and oats, leafy green vegetables, egg yolks, nuts etc.
  • Vitamin K:vitamin K helps in the maintenance of normal levels of the blood clotting proteins. Good sources of vitamin K are: leafy green vegetables, dairy products, like milk and yogurt, pork etc.
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  • Vitamin A:it helps a great deal in improving your eyesight. Also it aids in maintaining healthy skin. Rich sources of vitamin A are: eggs, milk, apricots, carrots, spinach and sweet potatoes etc.
  • Vitamins B:vitamin B is a list of multiple vitamins like B1, B2, B6, B12, niacin, folic acid, biotin, and pantothenic acid. Vitamin B aids in generating energy that the body utilizes to carry out its activities. Vitamin B also participates actively in making red blood cells that carry oxygen to different parts of your body. Rich sources of vitamin B include whole grains, such as wheat and oats, fish and seafood, leafy green vegetables, dairy products like milk and yogurt, beans and peas etc.
  • Vitamin C:it helps in strengthening your gums and muscles. Vitamin C found in citrus fruits like oranges, also aids in healing wounds. It enables you to overcome infections. Foods rich in vitamin C, apart from citrus fruits are: tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage and strawberries etc.
  • Vitamin D:it works towards strengthening your bones and teeth. It also aids in absorbing the calcium required by the body. Foods rich in vitamin D are: fish, egg yolk, milk and other dairy products etc.
  • Vitamin E:It takes care of your lungs and also aids in formation of red blood cells. Good sources of vitamin E are: whole grains, such as wheat and oats, leafy green vegetables, egg yolks, nuts etc.
  • Vitamin K:vitamin K helps in the maintenance of normal levels of the blood clotting proteins. Good sources of vitamin K are: leafy green vegetables, dairy products, like milk and yogurt, pork etc.
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