how natural gas are remove from the soil and where it is store and how?

Dear Student,
Natural gas is found underground in Earth along with petroleum deposits. For the extraction of natural gas holes are drilled in the petroleum deposits and covered with metal casings .A collection pump is present above the metal casing .From here the gas is carried forward to collection point From the collection point to the refinery where it is subjected to chemical treatment and processing.
The steps of extraction are 
Petroleum deposits Metal caisng (adsorption of gas)collection point(removal of water)refinery(chemical treatment)
Natural gas is stored underground below  the surface of Earth.because of safety and also because of the easy access when needed. since there is lot of pressure under the ground ,The natural gas stored makes an easy way through the pipelines when extracted. The various methods of storing natural gas are - Salt caverns, mines, aquifers, hard rock reservoir 

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