how to make note making

1. read the entrire passage thourolly again n again till u dont get it think of an sutaible titile of the entire passage and write it at top

3. now think of another  title for ist passage and write it down start picking inportant points from that passage after piking it up u can write it down as points like

                                   pollution {the main heading}

1.pollution effects{1st para heading/title}

a.excessive waste from factories {this point we had got from the paragraph 1}

b.rivers get polluted-

   i) by waste

  ii)by pollution from indrustries 

6.u have to do same for each paragraph,u have 2 make 2,3 points minimum and maximum 5 

7. u can add sub-sub titles also to give more info   as mentioned above in secound point .

8.u can add abbervation also like by not using a big word like medicine we can     write it as medi (its our choice to make it as small as we want ) but  for this we have to make a box at the end anand have to write key 2 abbrevations then all the abberevation with there all letters like

   abb- abberivation    



1.BRIVITY- they should be brief 2 the point .they ned not be  taken full sentances,words,phrases and topics are enough.

2.RELIVENCE- only relivant facts are given.the determining factor is the porpose for which notes are made.

3.clearitythere should not be no ambiguity.they should be sensible also should make sense ,if read after week or month.

4.note form

main section-1,2,3,4,5,etc

sub senction-a,b,c, d etc

sub sub section-i,ii,iii,iv,v etc

5.abberevations and sybols save time

6. grammer is not considered here

hope it helps u............

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