How will you prepare pure sample of CO (carbon monoxide)?

Dear Student,

The carbon monoxide (CO) is highly toxic gas and hence been monitored in the ambient air for safety, the CO molecule forms from incomplete combustion process one such example is incomplete combustion of fossil fuels in IC engine results in emission of CO gas.

The instrumentation technique are used in preparation of pure CO, the gas mixture are prepared by volumetric dilution of pure CO with hydrogen (or) helium which are free from CO. The fossil fuel like coal,oil, charcoal etc.., for this process charcoal is preferred which ignited and covered with polythene bag and silica gel is added to remove moisture from the bag assuring pure CO presence.

The generated CO from polythene is collected in a calibrated vessel assuring the pure CO has been prepared, the mentioned technique is one of the simple process which can be carried out with standard laboratory setup but care must be taken by wearing safety gears for prevention form CO poisoning.


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