I need anchoring script for singing competition..can anyone please help me..

Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:

- Start by greeting the special guests, the judges and the audience.
- Then, briefly describe the event to the audience: the different levels of competitions have led to the finale being held that day.
- Mention the high level of competition: each singer has been better than the other!
- Grab the attention of the audience by using famous quotes about the beauty of a melodious song/the dedicated practice required to excel.
- Explain the rules of the competition and the marking scheme.
- Introduce the contestants by mentioning their special traits.
- Remember, humour goes a long way in engaging the attention of the audience.
- Always make a short, positive comment on the previous performance as you introduce the next contestant.

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  Anchor-1: Good Evening to all !, The galaxy of intellectuals, your Excellency,invited guests, teachers and my dear friends .howdifferent is this evening. Dear audience, you will yourself discover as the colours of cultural feast unfold !Well, my first andforemost duty - On behalf of iamr family, we welcome you all to spark 11Anchor-2: We feel honored to have with us - The Honorable Chief Guest His Excellency Mr., Sir you hardly need anyintroduction, you have made all of us proud by your distinguished work in numerous capacities. Guests of Honour :Mr.., the man of distinct vision and a fountainhead of illuminating ideas, an idol of knowledge and experience andinspiration to all of us.Anchor-1: Next, I would like to call upon our respected , a seasoned scholar and navigator of this flagship of knowledge ----- to speak few words Anchor-2: Without taking much of your time, permit us to start the programme. Do you feel some turbulence around here ?Anchor-1: Yes, I do the heart beats have gone up and everyone is eager to sink into the depth of music, song, lights and joy.Well, here you are. Today, we will have rainbow of cultural programmes prepared under the able stewardship of our teachers.First, there will be a singing performance by «««««««««.. ««« Anchor-2: That was indeed a lovely performance. How captivating! !! A blend of cosmic tune and divine music !.Anchor-1: Now HOLD YOUR BREATH FOR another performance by«««««««..«««Anchor-1: I still feel like lost in those melody dipped music notes.( Anchor-2) Well, come back now. Let¶s have a change.Anchor-1:OK, what is next ?Anchor-2: Wait, wait««Do you know the magic? Anchor-1: Magic ! please yaar now don¶t tell me that we are going to disappear some hens here.Anchore 2: No, magic of music . Here comes a magical singing performance by «.««««««««««Anchor-1: Wow ! incredible. The young singers really held everyone captive. Awesome
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