(i) Pressure decreases as one ascends the atmosphere. If the density of air is p, what is the Change in pressure dp over a differential height dh? 
(ii) Considering the pressure p to be proportional to the density, find the pressure p at a height h if the pressure On the surface of the earth is p o
(iii) If  p o = 1.03 x 10 3 N m 2   ,  p o =1.29 kg m - 3 , g = 9.8 m s - 2 at what height will be pressure drop to 1 10 the value at surface of the earth?
(iv) This model of the atmosphere works for relatively small distances. Identifying the underlying assumptions that limits the model. 
(v) Explain in brief what will happen, if the length of the capillary tube is smaller than the height to which the liquid rises? 

Dear Student ,
The phenomenon of rise or fall of liquid in a capillary tube is called capillarity. 

Consider a liquid whose angle of contact with the glass capillary tube is acute and so we have a concave surface as shown. Let ‘S’ be the surface tension of the liquid and ‘a’ is the radius of the capillary tube and ‘r’ is the radius of the concave surface of liquid. 'ρ' is the density of the liquid.

Pressure difference between two sides of top surface, Pa − P0 = 2S/r

Considering points A and B, they must be at same pressure i.e.,

P0 + hρg = Pa

Thus, height to which the liquid rises is



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