If oil supply gets exhausted, how will this affect our lifestyle?

iknow the answer

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  • No petrol or diesel.
  • Transportation gets affected. I guess we'll be walking.
  • Trade gets affected
  • First of all we will need to find an alternative energy source,a good one would be solar energy or bio fuels.
  • We have to exploit other from of energy that may cause the Earth's condition to further deteriorate and cause enviroment changes, air comspostitions may change, a new ice age, of mantle may cool down due to loss in heat, etc.

  • Food supplies would drop
  • The price of Electric vehicles would be 10 times that they are now.
  • Electricity would have to be rationed as greener energies cannot produce the amount of of Electricity needed
  • Basically, life would go back to being much like the 1900s. People would probably start growing the own veggies in their back yard.
  • Candle prices would go throw the roof. It would be completely different that what we are spoiled to now.
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Thumbs up please

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Aadhav has given right answer 

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The impact that an exhausted oil supply would have on our lifestyle largely depends on our ability to rely on alternative sources of energy. For example, even though solar energy is largely becoming a popular method of creating a renewable source of power, the unreliable nature of the weather and the limited amounts of electricity that solar technology can produce are setbacks that scientists face at present. As you can imagine, transportation would be the main area that would be affected through a shortage in oil, and this is because this valuable commodity is refined in order to make the petrol we use to fuel our cars. 

It’s also worthwhile to note the financial impact that it could have on our lifestyle. At the moment, although fuel prices are high, electricity prices are relatively modest. However, have you ever considered what an upsurge in demand for electricity would mean for the prices that are levied onto us by energy companies? From an economics perspective, if demand for electricity outstrips supply, prices will continue to rise and this could mean that we will be more selective over watching the TV, surfing the Internet or having lights on in the house. We could develop a mentality that unless we absolutely need it, electricity can be too expensive for us to use in our everyday lives. 

Oil supplies aren’t expected to become exhausted for years to come, so we shouldn’t worry too much at the moment. By the time that this form of non-renewable energy begins to diminish, we will have new alternatives to rely on to bring us into the future.

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Exhaustion of oil sources would affect life in the following ways:


i) It would lead to a crisis of supply of energy.

ii) Power sources that require oil would be adversely affected.

iii) Most of the world transport is dependent on fossil fuel. It would also be crippled.

iv) There would be conflicts between countries and communities for control of alternative sources of energy.

v) World trade and economy would be negatively affected as supply of goods will break down causing scarcity.

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 Oil depletion affects the lifestyle of people in the following ways--->

  •  Lesser Oil means lesser functioning of machineries which in turn leads to lessening of comfort lifestlye of people.
  •  Many persons may become unemployed due to depletion of oil which are the major fuel products in factories.
  •  Many moving vehicles which run on liquid fuels of oils will stop working disenabling the person 's access to these means of transport.
  • Depletion of Fossil fuels like these oils will lead to extinction of many things which make human life comfortable.
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5. Many important factories and industries will go bankrupt.

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The impact that an exhausted oil supply would have on our lifestyle largely depends on our ability to rely on alternative sources of energy. For example, even though solar energy is largely becoming a popular method of creating a renewable source of power, the unreliable nature of the weather and the limited amounts of electricity that solar technology can produce are setbacks that scientists face at present. As you can imagine, transportation would be the main area that would be affected through a shortage in oil, and this is because this valuable commodity is refined in order to make the petrol we use to fuel our cars.

It’s also worthwhile to note the financial impact that it could have on our lifestyle. At the moment, although fuel prices are high, electricity prices are relatively modest. However, have you ever considered what an upsurge indemand for electricity would mean for the prices that are levied onto us byenergy companies? From an economics perspective, if demand for electricity outstrips supply, prices will continue to rise and this could mean that we will be more selective over watching the TV, surfing the Internet or having lights on in the house. We could develop a mentality that unless we absolutely need it, electricity can be too expensive for us to use in our everyday lives.

Oil supplies aren’t expected to become exhausted for years to come, so we shouldn’t worry too much at the moment. By the time that this form of non-renewable energy begins to diminish, we will have new alternatives to rely on to bring us into the future.
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Significantly, though pollution will be reduced and hopefully terrorism will also reduce becasue then the petro dollars of Saudi Arabia will not rule the world.

Cars will be reduced and more alternative would be found, rather they would sell more openly, even though they have been found already- I think it would be a great leap for mankind actually.

Electricity would come from wind and solar power to a great extent- many new things will come up; always are. Don't you worry, we stand facing a better future, not worse
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vivek is correct
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I think vivek tripathi's 1st answer is brilliant and seems to be very good to answer anyone
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Then the future generations suffer in each and every aspect of life
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Oil is very essential for our country development. If it will get exhausted we fill face so many problems . As our country export oil exhaustion of oil will lower our economy condition. Oil is also used for generating electricity in thermal plant . Without oil we will not much tense but our economy conditionn will afected.

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1. We will go to school,offices,home by walking , on a bicycle or by a battery vehicles 2. Transportation of material and goods will be done by Bullock carts , horse carts or battery are charged by solar energy 3. All work will slow down to the pace
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