If we mix H2So4+Co(oH)​2 what will be formed ?

Dear Student,

When cobalt hydroxide react with aqueous sulphuric acid it results in the formation of cobalt sulphate. The reaction takes place is given below:

Co(OH)2 + H2SO4 -----> Co2(SO4)2 + H2O

Cobalt sulphate is inorganic compound.

Uses of cobalt sulpahte is given below:
a) Used in manufacture of various cobalt salt.
b) Cobalt sulphate is used for the preparation of pigments.
c) It is used in storage batteries and electroplating baths, sympathetic inks and additive to soils

Health hazards

Cobalt is essential for the life but more than milligram amount of this compound may cause carcinogenicity


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