imagine you are Vijay/Vinitha, a residence of street #138 ,Gandhi marg,Ahmedhabad. write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper complaining about the menace of stray dogs, there by suggesting some remedies?

Such questions need to be attempted on your own to test your creative writing skills. However, these points might help you elaborate:

- I wish to utilise the columns of your esteemed daily to bring to the attention of the concerned authorities the menace created by stray dogs.
- There is a big group of stray dogs in our colony.
- They chase people, attack small children and run after vehicles.
- Many people have been bitten by these dogs and had to undergo treatment.
- They scatter the garbage from the bins everywhere.
- The municipal corporation is requested to relocate the dogs.
- They can be kept in kennels that take care of such dogs or put them up for adoption.

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