In electrolysis of water write the reaction at cathode and anode

  • Electrolysis of water: 

Electrolysis means using electric current to make a chemical reaction possible which is otherwise do not occur. Electrolysis of water means passing electric current through water to decompose it into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas.

  • Electrodes:

Cathode - Graphite rod

Anode - Graphite rod

Hydrogen and oxygen gases are collected at cathode and anode respectively.

  • Reaction: 

The reaction that takes place during the process can be shown as:-

2H2O → 2H2 +O2

At cathode:- Reduction

2 H+ (aq) +2e-  →  H2

At anode:- Oxidation

OH- (aq)  →  OH + e-

4 OH → 2H2O + O2

  • Diagram:


  • 108
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