in the electrolysis of water .

(i) Name the gas collected at the cathode and anode .

(ii) why is the volume of gas collected one electrode double of other ?

(iii) why is afew drops of dilute H2SO4 added to the water?


Because it has more concentration

  • -29

1 Cathode-Hydrogen and Anode-Oxygen


  • -13
1 hydrogen at cathode and oxygen at anode 2 when one molecule of water i.e H20 is dissociate it forms two molecule of hydrogen H2 and one molecule of oxygen 02.hence volume of one electode is double than other. 3 water itself never dissociate,so to make it electrolyte dil.H2so4 is added
  • -12
1) hydrogen
2)because the atio of h2 and o2 in h20 is 2:1
  • -7
h on cathode oxy on anode
  • -21
1.hydrogen at cathode and oxygen will be at anode
2.cause one molecule of water which is H2O will dissociate itself to form 2 molecules of hydrogen(H2) and 1 molecule of oxygen O2
  • 12
  1. Hon cathode and Oon anode.
  • -8
1. hydrogen at cathode and oxygen at anode 2. when one molecule of water i.e H20 is dissociate it forms two molecule of hydrogen H2 and one molecule of oxygen 02.hence volume of one electode is double than other. 3.water itself never dissociate,so to make it electrolyte dil.H2so4 is added Enjoy😁😉😎😃
  • 21
oh yeahh
  • -14
how many terms of an A.p, -15-13,-11... are needed  to make the sum -5?explain the reason for double answer
  • -13
explain the ways glucose can be broken down in absence of oxygen
  • -11
1 hydrogen at cathode and oxygen at anode
2 this is because when h2o dissociate it form 2 molecule of hydrogen and 1 molecule of oxygen
3water is a dielectric constant so it never dissociate itself therefore h2so4 is added
  • -13
2)because one molecule of water has 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen
3)to help it become a electrolyte
  • -10
hydrogen at cathode and oxygen at anode
  • -5
hydrogen at cathode and oxygean at anode.
to make it dissociate as pure water doesnt conduct electricity so impurities are added. you cana also add salt.
  • 18
i) Hydrogen gas will be formed at the cathode while oxygen gas will be formed at the anode.
ii) A water molecule consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. So when water dissociates, one electrode has double volume of gas as compared to the other electrode.
iii) Adding an acid makes the water conduct electricity. Distilled water is a non conductor of electricity. To make the water conduct electricity for electrolysis to occur, dilute H2SO4 is added.
  • 65
Hydrogen at cathode and oxygen at Annod
  • -13
I) Hydrogen will collected at cathod and oxygen at anod. ii) Volume of hydrogen gas will double to the proportion of the oxygen so when the will decompose the ratio will be 2:1. iii) H2so4 is used because it is a dehydarting agent so it will act as a catylist and dissosiate the water molecule speedly.
  • -13
Hydrogen is collected in cathode Oxygen is collected in anode because anion is positive and cathoin is negative
  • -13
Mention three kind of cell present in blood.write function of each
  • -15
  1. ​hydrogen at cathode and oxygen at anode
  • -10
hydrogen at the cathode oxygen at anode 
  • -2
hydrogen at cathode oxygen at anode
  • 0
(i) At cathode – Hydrogen gas (H2)
At Anode – Oxygen gas (O2)
(ii) Hydrogen gas is double of that of oxygen gas because 2 molecules of
Hydrogen are liberated.
While only 1 molecule of oxygen is liberated.
(iii) water is not a good conductor of electricity or we can say that it is not that efficient in the flow of electric current through it. Hence to improve the flow of electric current through it we add H2SO4(acid) to improve its conductivity.
  • -5
1. hydrogen at cathode and oxygen at anode 2. when one molecule of water i.e H20 is dissociate it forms two molecule of hydrogen H2 and one molecule of oxygen 02.hence volume of one electode is double than other. 3.water itself never dissociate,so to make it electrolyte dil.H2so4 is added
  • -5
Hope this helps

  • 12
Please check my answer. It would surely help. ☺☺☺
  • -6
hydrogen at cathode and oxygen at anode
  • -4
a) At cathode = Hydrogen ( H2)
At anode    = Oxygen (O2)
This is because hydrogen is a cation whereas oxygen is an anion.
During electrolysis cation goes to cathode whereas anion goes to anode.

b) H2O dissociates to form 2 molecules of hydrogen and 1 molecule of oxygen.Hence volume of  volume of gas collected in one electrode is double of the other.
c) Pure water is a bad conductor of electricity. H2SO4 is a good electrolyte or conductor since it dissociates to for ions almost completely.Hence H2SO4 is added to water.
  • 6
Hydrogen is collected at cathode while oxygen is collected at anode.
  • 2
H2So4 is added to water as it release H+ ions which helps in electrical conductivity, hence helping in the process of electrolysis.
  • -3
In the electrolysis of water : ( i) Name the gas collected at the cathode and the anode. (ii) Why is the volume of gas collected at one electrode is double of the other? iii) Why are a few drops of dil. H 2 S0 4 added to the water?
  • -5
1. hydrogen at cathode and oxygen at anode 2. when one molecule of water i.e H20 is dissociate it forms two molecule of hydrogen H2 and one molecule of oxygen 02.hence volume of one electode is double than other. 3. water itself never dissociate,so to make it electrolyte dil.H2so4 is added
  • -2
1.hydrogen at cathode and oxygen at anode 2.when one molecule of water i.e H20 is dissociate it forms two molecule of hydrogen H2 and one molecule of oxygen 02.hence volume of one electode is double than other. 3.water itself never dissociate,so to make it electrolyte dil.H2so4 is added
  • 1
Hope it's help you

  • 12
  • -2
i)hrogen will collected on cathode and oxygen will collected on anode.
ii)hydroden will double then oxygen because the presence of hydrogen in water molucule is double then oxygen the ratio of gasses will  hydrogen:oxygen  2:1.
iii)we add smal amount of H2SO4 because the water we used in process is distilled so we should make it ionic that''s why we use h2so4.
  • 11
(i) hydrogen (ii) hydrogen formed is 2 times that of oxygen according to law of conservation of mass (iii) to increase the electrical conductivity of water
  • 1
at cathode-hydrogen 
at anode-oxygen
the volume of first is twice the other as water molecule contains 2 hydrogen atom ie H2O.
​to completely ionize water dil. h2so4 is added as pure water donotconduct electricity.
  • 8
1.the two gases are hydrogen and oxygen 
  • 0
At cathode HYDROGEN is produced whileatanode OXYGEN is produced H^2SO^4 is added to pass electricity
  • 2
A. Hydrogen at cathode and oxygen at anode B. Hydrogen formed is 2 times that of oxygen according to law of conservation of mass C. To increase the electrical conductivity of water
  • -1
A. Hydrogen at cathode and oxygen at anode B. Hydrogen formed is 2 times that of oxygen according to law of conservation of mass C. To increase the electrical conductivity of water
  • 5
A. Hydrogen at cathode and oxygen at anode B. Hydrogen formed is 2 times that of oxygen according to law of conservation of mass C. To increase the electrical conductivity of water
  • 1
Hydrogen at cathode and oxygen at anode
  • -1
fkkf fjdjd fjkdkf fjgjg didkfsj wyywye
  • -4
(i) At cathode, Hydrogen gas (H2) gas is collected while at anode Oxygen gas (O2) gas is collected.

(ii) It is because Water(H2O) is made when hydrogen and oxygen combine in the ratio 2:1 by volume, the gas with double volume is hydrogen. Thus, on decomposition of water, the volume of hydrogen is twice than that of oxygen gas.

(iii) Water by itself is not a good conductor of electricity. While acids are good conductors of electricity. So, a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid (H2SO4) is added to water to make it a good conductor of electricity and allow current to flow through it easily.
  • 1
1. Cathode - Hydrogen and anode - Oxygen
  • 0
1) hydrogen
2)during electrolysis of water water splits in molar ratio of 2:1 hence hydrogen is double than oxygen
3) because electrolysis donor takes place in distilled or tap water
  • 0
K Yu batau
  • -1
This is the answer

  • 0
In the electrolysis of water, a) Name the gas collected at anode and cathode b) Why is the volume of gas collected at one electrode double than the other? c) What would happen if dil H2SO4 is not added to water?
  • 0
anode oxygen
cathode hydrogen 
  • 1
) Hydrogen gas will be formed at the cathode while oxygen gas will be formed at the anode.
ii) A water molecule consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. So when water dissociates, one electrode has double volume of gas as compared to the other electrode.
iii) Adding an acid makes the water conduct electricity. Distilled water is a non conductor of electricity. To make the water conduct electricity for electrolysis to occur, dilute H2SO4?is added
  • 0
1 at cathode hydrogen is collected and in anode oxygen is collected . 2 it os because hydrogen element in water molecule is twice more than the oxygen element. 3 few drops of sulfuric acid is added in the water to make it a good conductor of electricity.
  • 0
1 in cathode hydrogen gas and in anode oxygen gas was collected
2 because in H2O there is two atoms of H and 1atom of O. that's why the volume of gas collected in cathode is double than anode
3 Few drops of H2SO4 is added to the water to make it good conductor of electricity
  • 1
1) The gas collected at the cathode is hydrogen and the gas collected at anode is Oxygen gas..

2) The volume of gas ( hydrogen ) collected in one electrode is double of other gas ( Oxygen ) because in water ( H2O ) ,there is two atoms of hydrogen gas..

3) A few drop of dilute H2SO4 is added to water to make the water able to conduct electricity .Since Pure water can not be electrolysed easily.

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chemical equation for whitewashing
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This is the answer and TOR is the type of reaction

  • 0
Oxygen at cathode and hydrogen at anode 2:1 where hygrogen willhas more volume than o2
  • 0
1.At cathode-H2
At anode-O2
2.hydrogen contains two ions as oxygen not.
  • 0
(i). In anode the hydrogen gas is collected because hydrogen is a electropositive element.
Where as in cathode oxygen will be collected because oxygen is electronegative element.

(ii). The gas collected in one test tube is double of another one because the in the water the presence of hydrogen and oxygen is in the ratio of 2 : 1
Therefore the volume of hydrogen is double the volume of oxygen.

(iii). Pure water does not contain electricity or say it does not let the electricity to pass through it and if electricity will not pass then electrolysis wouldn't be possible. So, when H2SO4 is added to water the water gains the free ions of hydrogen and as hydrogen ion are capable of containing electricity then the electrolysis takes place. So few drops of H2SO4 is added.
  • 0
1. hydrogen at cathode and oxygen at anode 2. The volume of hydrogen (cathode) is double than oxygen (anode) because during electrolysis water is break down in the ratio of 2:1(H,O) 3. In pure water electricity is not pass so we need a acidic medium like H2SO4 for electrolysis
  • 1
Ans.(i): At anode oxygen gas is collected. While at Cathode, hydrogen gas is collected.
Ans.(ii): Hydrogen is double of the collected oxygen gas because water contains hydrogen and oxygen in ratio 2:1. As the formula of water is H2O
  • 0
Hydrogen and oxygen
  • 0
(1) at anode: O2 gas is released .at cathode H2 gas is released
  • 0
  • 1
??Hydrogen is collected at cathode and oxygen at anode.
??It is because H2O contains hydrogen and oxygen in ratio 2:1

  • 0
The gas collected at cathode is hydrogen and the gas collected at anode is oxygen
2. The volume of one electrode is double because the volume of hydrogen gas is double then oxygen
  • 0
3 nambar ta
  • 0
1-The gas collected on cathode is hydrogen and on anode is oxygen.
2-The gas which is collected in double amount during electrolysis of water is hydrogen.
This bcz water contains two part of elements as compared to one part of oxygen element by volume.
3- as it is alredy a dilute
  • 0
The gas collected is the hydrogen and oxygen
  • 0
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  • 0
In electrolysis of water hydrogen is collected at cathode and oxygen is collected at anode. The volume of gas collected at cathode is more because the ratio of hydrogen to water is 2:1. Electrolysis of pure water is very low because water is a covalent compound. To
increase the conductivity of water, a few drops of dilute H2SO4 is added
  • 0
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  • 0
1)Gas collected at anode is Hydrogen and gas collected at anode is oxygen.
2)In a molecule of water the hydrogen atoms are double than that of oxygen. Therefore the volume of gas collected at one rod is double than that of other.
3)As we know the movement of ions is necessary for conducting electricity.Thus to make possible movement of ions in water some drops of H2SO4 are added to Water.

I Hope it helps you !!!!
  • 0
Option 1 is correct
  • 0
1.At cathode hydrogen gas and at anode oxygen gas.
2.Because in the water molecule there are two atoms of hydrogen gas and one atom of oxygen gas present.
3.This is because the dilution of acid is a highly exothermic reaction, so always add acid to water drop -by -drop not water to acid.
  • 0
1) cathod-hydrogen
2) because water contains 2 atoms if hydrogen
and 1 atom of oxygen.
3) so as to make electricity flow easily
  • 0
In the electrolysis of water, hydrogen gas is evolved at the cathode and oxygen gas is evolved at the anode. Hydrogen produced is double the oxygen because in H2O(water), there are two hydrogen atoms for each oxygen atom. A few drops of dilute sulphuric acid (H2SO4) are added to water to increase its conductivity as pure water is a poor conductor of electricity.
  • 0
1. Hydrogen at cathode and oxygen at anode. 2. Hydrogen formed is 2 time that of oxygen according to low of conductivity of water.
  • 0
At cathode - hydrogen gas
At anode- oxygen gas
2 molecules of hydrogen combine with 1 molecule of oxygen to form h2o so the volume of h2 is double than o2
When a burning splinter is brought near the gas the burning splinter extinguishes near the h2 gas while the burning splinter keep burning more near the o2 gas
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  • 1
What is matter
  • 0
hydrogen at cathode and oxygean at anode.
to make it dissociate as pure water doesnt conduct electricity so impurities are added. you cana also add salt.
  • 0
  • 1
at cathode-hydrogen?
at anode-oxygen
the volume of first is twice the other as water molecule contains 2 hydrogen atom ie H2O.
?to completely ionize?water dil. h2so4 is added as pure water donotconduct electricity.
  • 0
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  • 0
As we all know that cathode is negatively charged electrode and anode is positively charged elctrode. When electrolysis of water take place then it break into hydrogen which is positively charged gas and oxygen which is negatively charged as a result hydrogen gas collected on cathode and oxygen gets collect on anode. Volume of hydrogen gas is doubled because during chemical reaction we take elements in form of 2:1 in which atom of hydrogen is double. For not affecting the quality of water we add only few drops of hydrogensulphate...hope u like this ans..and able understand it easily...thank u
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oxygen at anode and hydrogen at cathode
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assam tea kaa mohol he
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  • 0
1. Hydrogen at cathode and oxygen at anode.
2.Becoz of Law of Conservation of Mass
3.To increase electrical conductivity of water

  • 0
rasayanik abhikriya science
  • 0
i) Hydrogen gas will be formed at the cathode while oxygen gas will be formed at the anode.
ii) A water molecule consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. So when water dissociates, one electrode has double volume of gas as compared to the other electrode (according to the law of conservation of mass).
iii) Dilute H2SO4 is added to water to increase its electrical conductivity.
  • 0
Hi i am new student my name is Aditi
  • 0
(i) The gases are Hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O)
(ii) As the ratio of H and O in water is 1:2 so the amount of gas (H) is double then the other one (O)
(iii) To increase the conductivity of water some drops of H2SO4 is added in water
  • 0
) Hydrogen gas will be formed at the cathode while oxygen gas will be formed at the anode.
ii) A water molecule consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. So when water dissociates, one electrode has double volume of gas as compared to the other electrode.
iii) Adding an acid makes the water conduct electricity. Distilled water is a non conductor of electricity. To make the water conduct electricity for electrolysis to occur, dilute H2SO4?is added.
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Kannada medium 10th class subject
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white Brown and black
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what are the tissue
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Hydrogen gas
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1. In the electrolysis of water the gas collected at cathode is hydrogen and the gas collected at anode is oxygen.2
2. Water composition is 2atoms of H and 1atom of O . Therefore H is double than O . The two electrodes collect H and O separately . We know that hydrogen composition in water is double than oxygen , so we find volume of gas collected in one electrode is double than volume of gas collected in another electrode .
3.To increase the conductivity of water a few drops of sulphuric acid is added . Being a strong acid it can ionize completely to release H+ ions. These H+ ions are responsible for the conduction of electricity. To carry out electrolysis in water,a few drops of sulphuric acid is added to the water.
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  • 0
Electrolysis of water is the process of using electricity to decompose water into oxygen and hydrogen gas. ... Sometimes called water splitting, electrolysis requires a minimum potential difference of 1.23 volts.
Cathode (reduction): 2 H2O(l) + 2e?
  • 0
Jaane anjaane mein ye
?? Kya se kya hogya,
I am sorry par
Mujhe tumse pyar hogya??
  • 0
Jaane anjaane mein ye
?? Kya se kya hogya,
I am sorry par
Mujhe tumse pyar hogya??bjcdgcc
  • 1
The dilute h2so4 is added to increase the conductivity of the solution
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Shabari lesson
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(i) Oxygen(O2)
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  • 1
write first 20 elements
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GET answer from Google
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Oxygen and hydrogen at positive
  • 0
Answer {i} The gas which collected in double the amount the electrolysis is hydrogen.
Cathode/Hydrogen and Anode/Oxygen.

Answer (ii) The compound that is most common would be water 1 part.Oxygen.2 part Hydrogen . Hydrogen is the gas that is double. Explantation: When the compound water (Hydrogen Oxide)#.H_2O#break a part it creates twice the volumes of .Hydrogen and the volume of Oxygen.
#2H_2O rarr 2H_2 + 1O_2 The two gases Hydrogen and Oxygen are produced in a 2:1 ratio:

Answer (iii) To increase the conductivity of the solution few drops of dil H2SO4 are added in the process of electrolysis of water ....
I hope this answer will help you all friends...
  • 0
1 In the electrolysis of water, the gas collected at cathode is hydrogen and the gas collected at anode is oxygen.
2 The gas which is collected in double the amount during the electrolysis of water is hydrogen. This is because water contains two part of hydrogen elements as compared to one part of oxygen element by volume.
3 Pure water is bad conducter of electricity. Sulphuric acid if added drop by drop it can make it to a good conducter of electricity.
  • 0
Here, the gas is collected in both tube Because the water molecule contains two hydrogens and one oxygen in its molecular formula. Therefore after electrolysis of water volume of one gas collected at one electrode is double (hydrogen gas) of the gas collected at the anode (oxygen gas).
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Sun kal Tera paper hai na paaka issi liye padh Raha hai ja kar so ja beta good luck
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