is democracy attentive to the needs of peopleand in freedom corruption ?

Democracy is the most popular form of government and most preferred for the very reason it ensures people's participation by guranteeing them basic rights that enhances their dignity. 
Democratic government can be seen as more attentive to the needs of the people:

a. It is the government based on the will of the people.

b. Political competition among political parties ensures that parties respond to the needs of the people.

c. Fear of losing power compels political leadership to be attentive to  people's needs.

d. If people are not satisfied with the present government they can peacefully change it by means of elections.

e.Democratic form of Government is a legitimate government as it is based on people's consent.It allows for participation of the people in the political process, it is people's own government thus it is legitimate.

f.It is an accountable government which allows for proper deliberation in the decision making process and compels political leadership to be responsive to the needs of the people.

g. Democratic form of governments are based on rule of law, it has proper set procedures. Government
functions on the basis of rule of law and not as per whims and fancies of a ruler.

h. Democracy may not be completely free from corruption, but no system is perfect we may only strive to make it perfect.
Active Participation of people has impacted the working of democracy making it more transparent in nature. For example Right to information, Jan lok pal Bill are the result of people's effort to check corruption. Even the role of media cannot be ignored in exposing scams.


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