Kindly explain this to me. What are these values, what do we mean by saying if an element has very less negative value or more negative value, etc, etc.. 
Element - Sc Ti V Cr MN Fe Co Ni
Standard Electrode M2 +/M - -1.63 -1.18 -0.90 -1.18 -0.44 -0.28 -0.25
Potential Eo/V M3 +/M2 + - -0.37 -0.26 -0.41 +1.57 +0.77 +1.97 -

Dear Student,

These values are standard electrode potential of the metals.
​Consider only the magnitude, if magnitude is greater than it is considered more negative and if magnitude is lower than it is considered less negative. For eg. here standard electrode potential of Ti2+/Ti is more negative than Ti3+/Ti. More negative electrode potential means it will oxidise more easily and thus will be a good reducing agent. So, Ti3+/Ti will act as a reducing agent.

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