write a letter to editor pointing out difficulties and dangers encountered in using mobile phones while driving+solutions to minimise the problem.

pls ans my qn as soon as possible.

20, Rajinder Nagar,

New Delhi

6th October, 2013

The Editor,

The Hindustan Times,

New Delhi

Subject: Hazards of using mobile phones while driving

Dear Sir

Through the columns of your esteemed daily I wish to invite the attention of people to the hazards of using mobile phones while driving. Everyone should understand that it is highly dangerous to use mobile phones while driving a vehicle. If a person uses a phone while driving a two-wheeler, he may lose balance and fall-off. Similarly, if the driver of a four-wheeler speaks on the phone while driving through a busy road, he may lose focus and meet with an accident.  It is equally dangerous to use our phones while driving to write messages and post updates on social networking sites. Any such distraction can make the driver lose control of the vehicle.

Keeping in view the detrimental effects of using mobile phones while driving, even the government has now issued heavy fine against the offenders. More than the fine, we should be concerned about our safety and never indulge in such callous behavior.

Yours sincerely





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