Letter to the Editor about the Inconveniences caused by vendors

Dear student,

We recommend you to write such answers by using your own thoughts and ideas. However, you may consider some of the points given below:
  • I would like to bring to your notice the inconvenience caused to common people by unauthorised vendors.
  • The road on both sides in Sitaram(name of market) market area are completely occupied by the vegetable, fruit and other vendors thus, leaving little place for common people to walk. 
  • Before returning these vendors dump all the rotten vegetables, which makes the place stink, on the road. This can pose high risk of getting infectious diseases.
  • I wrote to municipal corporation about this nuisance but they aren't taking the problem seriously and not showing any interest towards controlling it.
  • I am requesting you to look into the matter and I shall be obliged if you kindly print the above in your esteemed daily.

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