Letter to the editor on topic children targeted marketing

Dear Student,
This is a question that tests your creativity and must be attempted on your own. However here are a few useful points. Kindly refer to the Website to find the format of a letter.
  • Make the children "happy", the new marketing technique. 
  • Advertisements often manipulate parents into buying items solely for the satisfaction of the children - a sort of emotional blackmail - if you really love your children buy this product. 
  • Colourful marketing - Kids products often focus on the senses - toys are made bright and colourful - attracting the attention of children. 
  • Marketing food - Fast food marketing - a group of people sharing a pizza or eating a burger - shown in slow motion to enthral children. 
  • Creating false information to satisfy both parents and children. for example: Buy this chocolate bar because it is packed with nutrition!
  • The "cool" product - buy this product so that you can be cool. 
  • Once a child sees a product that excites any one of his/her senses or panders to his needs, he/she will want it and will force parents to buy them. 
  • Parents need to identify false marketing and educate children about it.
  • You are an individual with your own thoughts, don't let media tell you what to do.
​​​​I hope you find this answer helpful. Please post more questions on the forum to be assisted by our team.       
Thank you.

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