List of things that we can reuse and recycle ?

Very well answered!!!

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Carrier bags and twist ties.Carrier bags can be reused in the shops or as bin bags around the house. Paper bags make useful wrapping paper and twist ties can be used to secure loose items together, such as computer wires.

EnvelopesBy sticking labels over the address you can reuse envelopes. Alternatively, old envelopes can be used as scrap paper to make notes on.

Jars and pots.By cleaning glass jars and small pots, you can use them as small containers to store odds and ends.

Newspaper, cardboard and bubble wrapMake useful packing material when moving house or to store items.

Old clothes can be made into other textile items such as cushion covers or teapot cosies.

PackagingSuch as foil and egg cartons can be donated to schools and nurseries, where they can be use in art and craft projects.

Scrap paperCan be used to make notes and sketches. Dont forget to recycle it when you no longer need it.

TyresOld tyres can be given to your local petrol station where they will be recycled. Or you could make a tyre-swing by tying a strong rope around a tyre and attaching it to a tree.

Used woodCan be used in woodcrafts for making objects such as a spice rack or a bird table. Alternatively it could be used as firewood.Useful Tips

Old Electrical EquipmentDonate old electrical equipment to schools or community centers so that others can reuse them.

Donate Old Clothes and BooksOther people can reuse your unwanted clothes and books when you donate them to charity shops.

Car-boot SaleHave a car-boot sale and get rid of some unwanted items. Other people may find a use for them, plus it gives you the opportunity to earn some extra cash.

Rechargeable BatteriesRechargeable batteries can be reused many times before they need throwing away, opposed to regular batteries that create unnecessary waste.

Build a Compost BinYou can reuse many waste items, such as eggshells and old tea bags, using a compost bin. This waste then degrades and turns into compost that can be used to help your garden grow.

Grass CyclingAfter mowing your lawn, instead of throwing the grass cuttings away, leave them in your garden. The nutrients from the cuttings go back into the soil and act as a fertiliser.
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actually , that the above questions answer is mine but it was my sisters acount open so it became mathew ct sorry for the mistake i have done

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