Machines have made life more comfortable but have made us dependent on them.

Dear Student.
Such questions are made for enhancing the self creative skills and should be tried answering on your own. However, here are a few points that will help you in framing your answer:

- Science and technology have made progress in leaps and bounds in the past few decades.
- Machines have replaced manual labour and made the accomplishment of difficult jobs easy.
- Computers and internet have changed the face of the earth and brought the corners of the world closer.
- Medical discoveries and inventions have helped to treat rare and harmful conditions and increased life expectancy.
- Space research has enabled man to explore other planets as alternate places of habitation.
- Renewable sources of energy are being tested and used, water harvesting is being done.
- Transport and communication have become lightning fast.

You may feel free to contact us if you face any issue or difficulty while composing your answer. You can also send us your answers here for feedback and required corrections, if any.

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