Make a comparative study of the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative
Council in the State Government and represent the same through a Venn diagram.

Dear Student,

 This is an activity based question, p​​​​​​lease refer the following points for  comparative analysis. You may accordingly reflect the points in Venn diagram.

a. Legislative Assembly is basically the lower house or could be the only house of the state legislature in states in India.
b. It is also referred as Vidhan Sabha.It legislates and make laws mentioned in the state list of our constitution.​​​
c. It is a directly elected body  and that  elections to legislative assembly takes place  in five year.
d. Vidhan parishad is the upper house in the state legislature, and is a permanent body not subject to dissolution.
Legislative Council  is 1/
3rd of the size of the Assembly​.
e. Further, it is an indirectly elected body. 
 With regard to money bills, it can only be introduced in the Vidhan Sabha and not in the Vidhan Parishad.
e. After it is passed by the Vidhan Sabha, the bill goes to the Vidhan Parishad for discussions, and can be kept for a maximum period of 14 days.
f. If Vidhan Parishad fails to send the bill within 14 days, it is deemed to have been passed.
g. It is the Vidhan Sabha which has the ultimate authority with regard to financial matters.
h. Further, Chief minister and his council of ministers are responsible to the legislative assembly and that no confidence motion can only be passed in the Vidhan Sabha since it is directly elected body.



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