melting ,boiling of group 2 is more than group 1 why?

Dear student
Please find the solution to the asked query:

The alkali metals or Group I metals  lie  at the extreme left of the periodic table, and so the atomic radii is greater than other elements of the period as the radius decreases from left to right.
Further as being the first group, of periodic table, they have the larger atomic radius and hence have greater size than the corresponding elements of each period, so their metallic bonds are also larger and hence ,it becomes easier to break the bond.
This nature, of metallic bonding,causes relatively low melting and boiling points in Group I metals, compared to the Group II elements.

Hope this information will clear your doubts regarding the topic. If you have any other doubts please ask here on the forum and our experts will try to solve them as soon as possible.


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Due to Small size and  High Ionisation Energy
  • 2
The sizes of elements in Group 2 are relatively smaller than the corresponding elements of Group 1. Hence it is more difficult to remove the outermost electron  in case of the Group 2 elements. Thus, they have larger ionisation enthalpies.
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The group 2 of Akali Earth Metals have high b.p. and m.p.than the Group 1 of Alkali Metal. This difference arises due to the following difference in theie properties :-
a. Atomic Size -As grp 2 members have low size than the grp 1 due to more attractive force by the nucleus their b.p.and m.p. increases.

b. Bond enthalpy - Grp 2 members have more bond enthalpy than grp 1 members due to high ionization enthalpy . Thus more b.p. and m.p. are their characteristic property.
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Going down Group 2: the number of delocalised electrons remains the same ... ... so the attraction between the delocalised electrons and the metal cations decreases. Notice that, although in general themelting point decreases going down the group, themelting point for magnesium is anomalously low.
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