Meritnation experts i am unable to understand this whole paragraph kindly explain me in a paper Plz i need handwritten explanation in a sheet of paper as it is hard to understand ???also plz do not use google i need your own ans in easy words plz

Dear Student
In this paragraph, the results which were published in the World bank report by World Bank are being shown in which the per capita income of various Nations is compared.
Per capita income refers to the average income earned by one person in a year.
As per capita income is one of the factors to determining the development of the countries and the country with the highest per capita income is considered as rich and with the lowest is considered as a poor or underdeveloped country.
A predeclared benchmark is being laid which tells that countries with per capita income of US $ 12056 and above in 2017 are considered as  rich countries and  countries with the per capita income of US $ 955 or less is to be considered as low-income countries
According to the World Bank report in 2017, India had a per capita income of US $ 1820, therefore, it is classified as low middle-income country as it is neither under rich countries nor under low-income countries.


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