Most exciting day for a girl and only truth

Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:
- It was the day my Board results would be announced and I was nervous.
- I had worked hard throughout the year and had done my papers well, yet there was apprehension regarding my marks!
- My joy knew no bounds when my parents got a called from a leading national daily that I had topped the state and they wanted to interview me.
- I was thrilled: I had achieved a score of 98% and made my parents so proud of my accomplishment.
- My Principal and teachers came home to congratulate me, as did my friends and relatives.
- The school announced a cash prize of ten thousand for me and the state gave me a laptop.
- That has been the most exciting day of my life so far!

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When she achieves a noble dream. For me its not yet achieved that's to be a scientist.
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Dear student,
The most exiting day for a girl differs from girl to girl, someone would be exited for her acheivement in academics, someone for her first medal, someone for her outing to her vaccation place and so on. Girls choose it differently. So you can choose whatever you like...
Hope thos helps... 
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