My answer is coming wrongWanna recheck...

My answer is coming wrongWanna recheck... In the partnership agreement between X, Y and Z who were sharing profits in the ratio 01 5:3:2, the goodwill was to be valued on the death of any partner on the basis of such partner' s share of 2 years profits calculated on the average of 5 years profits immediately preceding the year of death less 10%. The firm's profits were 1991- Rs. 10,000 1992-Rs.3(),000; 1993- Rs.43,000 and in 1994 and 1995 losses ofRs.6,000 and Rs.4,000 respectively. The deceased partner's share of profits for the period of his life-time in the year of death was to be based on the average of the profits of the previous three years plus 10%. X died on 31.05.96. His capital account showed a credit of Rs.50,000 of 01.01.96 and he had withdrawn Rs.4,000 since that date. (Ans. Amount payable to X's legal representatives Rs.61,660.83)

Dear Student

Calculation of Amount payable to X's Legal Representatives
Opening Capital                                    50,000
Less : Drawings                                      4,000
Add : Share of Goodwill                                      13,140
Add : Profit share from 01-01-96 to 31.05.96                                2,520.83
Total                              61,660.83
Calculation of Share of Goodwill of X    
Average of 5 Year's Profit  (10,000 + 30,000 + 43,000 -6,000 - 4,000)/5                                   14,600
Less : 10%  (14,600 x 10%)                                     1,460
Resultant amount                                    13,140
Based on above, 2 years Share of X = Goodwill value for X  (13,140 x 5/10) x 2                                   13,140

Calculation of Profit share till Death    
Average of Last 3 Years profit  (43,000 - 6,000 - 4,000)/3                                   11,000
Add : 10%  (11,000 x 10%)                                     1,100
Resultant amount                                    12,100
Profit for 5 months  (12,100 x 5/12)                                     5,042
Share of X  for 5 months  (5,041.67 x 5/10)                               2,520.83


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