My balance sheet is not matching..I just want the b/s.

My balance sheet is not matching..I just want the b/s. Give journal entries to record the above ana aru,v A and B were partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio 3/6, 2/6 and transfer 1/6 to reserve. Their Balance Sheet as at 3 1.03. J 3 was as follows: Balance Sheet Liabilities Capital Account: 80,000 40 ooo Employees Provident Fund Reserve Fund Sundry Creditors Profit and Loss A/c Amount 18,000 12, ooo 10,ooo 24,000 A s sets Goodwill Plant Patents Stock Investments Debtors 20,000 Less: Provision 400 Cash Am ount 15,000 90,000 4,400 30,000 20,000 19,600 5,000 B retires on 01.04.13. The terms were: (i) Goodwill is to be valued at Rs.50,000. (ii) Value of patents is to be increased by Rs.3,000 but plant was found over-valued by (iii) Provision for doubtful debts should be 5% on Debtors and provision for discount should also be made on Debtors and Creditors @ 3%. (iv) Out of insurance which was entirely debited to profit & loss account Rs.870 be carried forward as unexpired insurance. (v) Investments were valued at Rs. 16,000. half of these investments were taken over by B. (vi)There is a claim for Workmen's Compensation to ihe extent of Rs.5,000. B was paid offin full. A borrowed the necessary money from the bank on the security Of renare revaluation account, capital account and the Balance sheet o

Dear Student

As per the query , Only balance sheet is needed by you , 
Therefore :
Liabilities Amount (in Rs) Assets Amount (in Rs)
Capital   Patents 7,400
A 60,000 Plant 75,000
    Cash 0
Employee Provident fund 18,000 Debtors 20,000
Bank Loan 47,000 Stock 30,000
Creditors 10,000 Investment 8,000
Provision for Doubtful Debt 1,000 Prepaid Insurance 870
Provision for Discount on Debtor 570 Provision for Discount on Creditor 300
Claim for Workmen Compensation 5,000    
  141,570   141,570

Please check this figures with your answer and in case of any query please contact us so that we can help you aqt the earliest.

Hope this helps
Keep posting


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