paraphrasing of the poem the road not taken

1- the poet was standing at junction in a yellow forst where where roads seperated in 2 different directions .He feels sorry that he could not travel both the roads at being one traveller .he stood there a long time looking  at road down as far as he could .the road then bent and disappeared from his eyes in  bushes and the undergrowth

2-then he took the other road which was beautiful as the first one . the second road present better  claim because it was grassy and has not been used frequently by the travellers .as far as the Qof their being worn due to the walking of  travellers both of them had worn in the same manner.

3-in the morning both the roads lay in the same condition they are coverd with leaves . and the leaves had not been trodden/blackened .and he kept the first one for other day .he knew how one way led to other.he would go so far from the first road that he doubted if he would ever come back.   4-he dos not seem happy with his chocie .jus  now it is very diffcult pas the judgement on the spur of moment . after many years he will be telling with sour .there were 2 roads that is seperated in two directions. and he choose which is less trodden the choice was his own and this choice has made all difference in his life

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