Please answer all

Q. In the following sentence, state whether the underlined part is a phrase or a subordinate / principal clause.

   1. In spite of the heavy rains
  2. She passed her test because
  3. She failed her exams.

  4. Though she performed well in the interview

  5. in a good college

  6. We took shelter under a bridge.

  7. Having delivered the message 

  8. She stood there motionless.

  9. Now that he is sick

  10. Despite her protests.


Ideally, you must provide the complete sentence to discern whether the given part is a subordinate or principal clause. The answers are provided based on the given questions:

  1. phrase
  2. principal clause
  3. principal clause (complete sentence)
  4. subordinate clause
  5. phrase
  6. principal clause (complete sentence)
  7. subordinate clause
  8. principal clause (complete sentence)
  9. subordinate clause
  10. phrase

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Dear friend.....
I cannot uderstand which are the underlined statements. Kindly look into this.

Thank you
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so you have to 4gf248fvc3f8 ;wmf  f wcvvrgr                w9 my cat groggy didthish
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