Please answer the following:

1. A boy throws a coin. He is to received two rupees for getting a tail and ten rupees for getting a head . find the expectation ( Mean receipt).

2.  A game at a school fair cost Rs. 10, With a prize of Rs. 50. Of the probability of winning is  1 10 , is it a fair game?


Let random variable X denote amount of prize wonX can take only two values, X=50 when the player wins and X=0 when player loosesPwinning=110=PX=50Plosing=1-Pwinning=910=PX=0Expectation=PXi Xi=110×50+910×0=5Average amount of cash won is Rs. 5 while that being invested is Rs. 10, therefore this is not a fair game.For remaining queries please post them in a new thread

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