Please explain why option (1) is correct for the 44th question

Q44. The most stable carbocation amongst the following is 

        (1)                                                     (2)  CH 2   = CH   C H 2

        (3) CH3 –CH2 –  C H2                          (3) CH2 = C =  C H

The solution is as follows:

1. The correct option is (1).

2. This is due to resonance. This is as shown below:

  • 1
Cyclopropylmethyl cabocations are considered as most stable carbocations due to overlapping of bent orbitals of cyclopropane ring with empty orbital of carbocation...

  • 1
Cyclopropylmethyl cabocations are considered as most stable carbocations due to overlapping of bent orbitals of cyclopropane ring with empty orbital of carbocation...

  • 1
Cyclopropylmethyl cabocations are considered as most stable carbocations due to overlapping of bent orbitals of cyclopropane ring with empty orbital of carbocation...

  • 1
Cyclopropylmethyl cabocations are considered as most stable carbocations due to overlapping of bent orbitals of cyclopropane ring with empty orbital of carbocation...

  • 1
Cyclopropylmethyl cabocations are considered as most stable carbocations due to overlapping of bent orbitals of cyclopropane ring with empty orbital of carbocation...

  • 1
Cyclopropylmethyl cabocations are considered as most stable carbocations due to overlapping of bent orbitals of cyclopropane ring with empty orbital of carbocation...

  • 2
Cyclopropylmethyl cabocations are considered as most stable carbocations due to overlapping of bent orbitals of cyclopropane ring with empty orbital of carbocation...

  • 1
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