Please refer the picture and help me out.

a) What fraction of the Earth is the crust.
b) What fraction is the lower mantle to the outer core?
c) By what fraction is the outer core greater than lower mantle?

Dear student

Earth's total area=crust+upper mantle +lower mantle+outer core+inner core=35+700+2200+2300+1200=6435a) CrustEarth's total area=356435=71287b) Fraction of lower mantle to outer core is:=22002300=2223c) Fraction of outer core=Outer coreEarth's total area=23006435=4601287Fraction of lower mantle=lower mantleEarth's total area=22006435=40117So, fraction of outer core greater than lower mantle=23006435-22006435=2300-22006435=1006435=201287

  • 0
I donot know
  • 1
crust is 3.1
  • 0
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