Please solve it

Dear student,

The answers are as follows:
  1. He woke up early so he went to bed early.
  2. They are very poor but they are very happy.
  3. I enjoyed the story though the story was silly.
  4. We live in the same street yet we hardly see each other.
  5. Ram is a hardworking boy but Shyam is a lazy boy.
  6.  I got wet in the rai, though I had an umbrella.
  7. I had never seen her but I recognised her from a photograph.
  8.  You drive carefully so you can use my car.
  9. We see them quite often as they live near us.
  10. He started late so he missed the school bus.

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he woke up early and went to the bed early
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a. He woke up early, and went to bed early.
b. They are very poor, but they are very happy.
c. I enjoyed the movie, though the story was silly.
d. We live in the same street, but we hardly see each other.
e. Ram is a hardworking boy but Shyam is a lazy boy.
f. I got wet in te rain, though I had an umbrella.
g.I had never seen her, but I recognised her from a photograph.
h. You drive carefully, so you can use my car.
i. We see them quite often, as they live near us.
j. He started late, and so he missed the school bus.
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